
HKFDF organizes various Ultimate Leagues. To sign up please subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up to date!


Development League 

Skill Level: Beginners/Intermediate

Gender: Mixed, Women, All (Open)

Format: Hat

Registration: TBA

Start Date: TBA

Development league is a league created to welcome and teach new players how to play the game and to familiarize themselves with the rules of the game. This league typically occurs during the Winter-Spring Season. Games are 7 vs 7 players and teams will be assigned an experienced team captain to assist in teaching the game and coaching throughout the season. Teams are selected under the 'Hat' format, meaning players are placed on teams at random with an emphasis on keeping each team similar in skills and experience.  

Club Leagues

Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Gender: Mixed, Women, All (Open)

Format: Club

Registration: Clubs (Closed)   /    Individual

Start Date: August 4th, 2021

Club Leagues allow a chance for HKFDF sanctioned clubs to play each other in a competitive environment. Players can join an existing club, create a new club at the start of the year or league, or sign up as an individual and be placed on a pick up team. 

Women's League & Open's League (Single Gender)

Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

Gender: Women, All (Open)

Format: Hat

Registration: TBA

Start Date: TBA

HKFDF alternates between Mixed and Single gender seasons. Players will sign up according to their gender of choice and be placed in a team randomly. 

Mixed Hat League

Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Gender: Mixed

Format: Hat

Registration: TBA

Start Date: TBA

The default league option for many years in Hong Kong. Players are placed on teams at random, teams are formed evenly by skills and experience level. 

Clique League

Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

Gender: Mixed

Format: Clique

Registration: TBA

Start Date: TBA

Clique league allows players to form their own teams. This give players a chance to choose their teammates and invite friends to try the game.